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We strive to make things as safe as possible for all participants. Here is a set of guidleines for what is expected in order to participate in any event.


A Consent Form must be signed by EVERYONE and if participant is under age of 18 the form must be signed by a parent or guardian.


Participants must present a Health Insurance Card and proper Identification.


All protective clothing must be worn and worn properly, this includes vest, helmet, and gloves. You can use your own but if you do not have them WE DO.


If you are uncomfortable getting on to ride... DON'T, this is dangerous and we do not want you getting hurt.


If you need help with ANYTHING, ask, we are all here to help each other out.


EGOS ARE LEFT AT THE GATE.....We are always open to opinions and new ideas but if you have an opinion we expect a solution as well.Final Rule.... HAVE FUN, but stay as SAFE as possible doing so.

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